Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tips for Finding a Gluten and Dairy Free Wedding Cake (and UPDATES!)

I'll probably say this every single time. But time is flying by. 

I have been super busy working full time and life that I haven't kept up with blogging as much as I wanted to

Things are defiantly moving along and I'm noticing that I'm getting antsy. I hope that's normal.

I'm also starting to enter panic mode. Hello crazy Bride Moments....nice to meet you...
BUT I'm trying my best to handle it the best I can. Speaking of crazy bride moments...I think I experienced my first one a couple weeks ago. I ordered my dress months ago and I've been pretty calm and not to concerned with anything about it. Then one day I was like....soo when is it coming, I hope I ordered the right color.....which led to OH MY GOSH DID THEY ORDER THE RIGHT STYLE. So yeah that happened. And yes I went to the bridal store and they kindly reassured me it was the right one by looking it up and showing me the picture and told me when it'll be here. Worry gone....okay not totally because well it's not here yet. 

Anyways, we have decided on a cake! Which I'm so excited about because it's going to taste amazing. Caleb and I went to our first cake tasting this past week. You know the bridal moment I just talked about, well yeah something along those lines happened with finding a cake baker and I needed to find one THAT MOMENT. Seriously, I amaze myself how much I can get done when I'm panicking(which I don't recommend) Because with the cake, you can order it the month before and still have plenty of time. I can't say what our cake looks like at all, because well it's a secret. Thank goodness I can tell my close family and my bridesmaids because I'm terrible with secrets. Seriously. I get WAY to excited and just want to tell the whole world. 

This isn't our cake...or what it looks like. Just think it's pretty and I needed some kind of picture :) 

ANYWAYS I have learned a few things when it comes to trying to find someone who makes gluten and dairy free wedding cakes. If you have to be gluten, dairy, or something free and you're like me who lives someone where those words are still foreign, you're going to need help. I learned things the hard way. 

1. Don't panic (I did, but for 5-10 min) 

2. Don't consider making your own...I did..felt way to stressed at the thought.

3. Breathe

4. Call around. The worst answer you get is no. 

5. Consult Facebook? I'm up in the air with this one. Because I did..and didn't get much help. For those of you who did try, Thank You :) 

My best advice would be to call around. That's how I ended up finding our cake baker. One shop I called said no they didn't make cakes like that but check out this bakery. I also had other bakeries offer me advice and say they could try and make gluten free. So sweet. But I'm going to be picky and want someone who is experienced in making gluten free. So after about a day of searching and calling I found hour away. But at this point I was pretty much out of luck. I'm pretty happy because let me just say, the cake is AMAZING. If you live around Harrisburg or an hour or so away. Check out Betsy's Bakery. Seriously, you won't regret it. She has everything. Now I have only tried the cake but since the cake is so good, I know everything is. PLUS she does vegan options as well. Since everything is gluten free, you won't have to worry about cross contamination. Our cake is going to be gluten & dairy free and vegan. After an hour and half of trying a lot of cake and icing. She drew a sketch that was going to be OUR cake. And I can't wait to see it....I can't wait for the whole world to see it! ;) 

Stay tuned because I have more details coming soon!!! 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Breakfast on the go: Grilled Cheese Egg Sandwich

My mornings are rushing around getting myself ready...and before I know it I have no time to sit down and eat breakfast. Could I make time? Yes but that means I have to get up even earlier and I rather sleep in. 

Working full time has been a big adjustment since I haven't worked full time since I was really sick. Thankfully my job doesn't consist of a lot of running around and it's not retail. So I have time in the mornings to eat my breakfast at my desk, and not rush.  A lot of people stop at any fast food place and get those breakfast sandwiches. Well I can't do that, and quite frankly they aren't good for anyone at all. But that doesn't mean I don't want something similar. So I created my own breakfast sandwich to go. 

A grilled cheese egg sandwich. Lately I've been obsessed with cheese. I have found ways to incorporate it into almost every meal. This is such a simple sandwich that you can literally add whatever you want to it. Some days I'll add spinach, tomatoes, or avocado. It just all depends on how much time I have. 

Breakfast on the Go: Grilled Cheese Egg Sandwich 


2 Slices Gluten Free Bread(I prefer Udis) 
2 Slices GO Veggie Cheese Slices(Any flavor) 
1 Tbsp Earth Balance Buttery Spread
1 tsp Coconut Oil
1 Egg


Heat a skillet on low heat. Grease the pan with the coconut oil. 
Cook egg to your liking. I hate runny yolks so I cook mine until its fully cooked. 
Remove egg from skillet. Turn the heat up to medium/high. Coat the slices of bread with butter, just like you would for grilled cheese. Place on slice butter side down in the skillet, add your cheese and whatever else you want, then the egg. Place 2nd piece of bread on top. Butter side up. Flip sandwich over and cook the other side until golden brown as well. 

Remove from heat and let cool. I found that putting it in tin foil keeps the sandwich fresher longer and doesn't make it soggy. 


Monday, September 1, 2014

The New Bridezilla

I read an interesting article that talked about the new "bridezilla" if one kind wasn't enough?? 
Anyways I found it pretty humorous, the new title is called "Bridechilla" If I could insert my iPhone emojis here I would put my laughing crying face because I just lost it when I read the name. Basically anyone who is a Bridechilla is the exact opposite a Bridezilla...but not in a good way. They are way to relaxed to the point of not really caring about much...of anything.

Here is a Bridezilla VS Bridechilla 

Of course it's super important to stay relaxed while wedding planning. But not to the point where people are wondering if you are even getting married. Plus, people need direction and since it is YOUR wedding, they want to do what YOU want. Trust me, I am not a person who likes to make the final decision, unless it's something I feel strongly about. But I have realized with planning a wedding that I need to stay on top of things and point people in the direction that I want. Plus, how many times in your life do people want to do everything you say? :) 

When I read this article, I thought I was going to be a Bridechilla because I've been so calm and have let things slide. But I can see where I am defiantly not one because, well I don't fit any of those descriptions. 

And there is no way I am even close to being a can even ask my FiancĂ© and bridesmaids and they'll tell you that I'm not one at all. 
Are you a bride? Or know someone that has a potential to be a Bridechilla? Might want them to read this! 


Avocado Rice with Grilled Cod

Lately I have been obsessed with avocado. I used to hate it, but I knew it had so many health benefits so I forced myself to eat it and eventually started to like it. And now I crave it. So any recipe that has avocado I want to try it. I was on Pinterest last week and stumbled across a super easy recipe that of course called for avocado. At first it does seem a little weird, but I don't see it being any different than putting cheese in rice. I present to you Avocado rice with Grilled Cod. 

Working full time and having life be pretty busy lately there's not much time to think about what to eat. And I refuse to eat anything that's fast food, in a can, or a box. So planning meals is defiantly a good solution. Planning meals is super easy especially now with Pinterest, just search easy weeknight meals and you'll find an endless list...I seriously haven't made it to the bottom of one, yet. 

That's how I stumbled across the recipe for avocado rice. You can pair the rice with probably anything you'd like. I chose fish for two reasons. 1. It calls for lime so it's a nice compliment to the fish and 2. I really don't eat much meat anymore. I never feel good after I eat it these days. I might have a little chicken but I could probably live without it since it does gross me out. 

Avocado Rice with Grilled Cod


1 Cup of uncooked white rice(You could use brown) 
2 Cups Water
1 Avocado* 
3 Tbsp Fresh Lime Juice 
1/4 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Cumin 
2 servings of Cod, thawed. 


1. In a medium size microwave safe bowl, combine rice and water. I don't prefer to use the microwave but when making rice this is just the fastest and easiest for me. Cook the rice for about 15-20 min. Or use the rice sensor setting on you microwave. 
2. Cut avocado and mash it in a small bowl with the lime juice, salt, and cumin. 
3. Once rice is cooked, add avocado mixture and mix well. 
4. Grill cod on the grill until it flakes easily. Can be quite a mess so baking it in the oven works just as well. 

*I found that one avocado wasn't enough, but I wanted more flavor from the avocado. So try one. If not to your liking, add more. 

Cheers!! :)