Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cleanse Day 1

Day one of anything is tough, right? 

So at the end of day 1 I just have to say that I am not a fan. Or should I say my body doesn't react very well to cleansing. Probably because of all the toxins but still. It takes me back to the days of feeling sick 24/7 and I don't like it at all. 
I know if I continue it will get better. But going through another day like this is just not what I'm up for.  My body doesn't handle a lot of vitamins and stuff very well at once. For some reason and I don't really know why.  For example, I found a multivitamin that literally had everything in it and would have been amazing, but after sticking with it for two weeks, I just couldn't handle it. It was like vitamin overload. Is there such a thing? So where do I go from here? Good question. 

I totally forgot to mention what we were adding to our smoothies to make them more nutritious and be the cleansing part. Here is what we have. 

This stuff taste really good and all of the ingredients just make me happy and excited that I would be getting all those nutrtients. But my body thinks otherwise... 
Anyone have any input on this? Because I can't seem to figure it out. 

I'm more exhausted than ever. My stomach did not digest this at all and it has been upset ever since. 
I'm trying to decide if I'll continue this or not. *sigh* I'll keep you updated on what I do. 

We had the smoothie for breakfast. 

Blueberries and Chocolate Smoothie

1 Banana
2 Cups Coconut Milk
1 Scoop of Green Super Food
1 1/2 Cup Blueberries
Ice to blend

Use a blender to mix all ingredients together.
Enjoy immediately 

The smoothie was really good. I can't complain about the taste. And it did fill me up.

Caleb's Input

Hungry, not satisfied, and he wanted protein. I can't ignore his complaints of hunger so I let him have chicken salad for lunch, and dinner. He really liked the smoothie so it is a good one! 

He doesn't really have to much to say, besides being really hungry all day. 

So on to day 2....

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