Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Ways to Beat the "Wedding Blues"

Happy New Year!!

Guess what?!?


I can't believe it. It's been almost a week since we said I Do. And it's just a whirlwind of emotions and time flew. 

The last few days leading up to the wedding were quite a blur because SO much was going on and I don't think I sat down until I went to bed at night. But I can say I wouldn't have changed any of that craziness. I kept as calm as I could, didn't shed any tears over the bumps in the road that came up. Because I was told things would happen so I was prepared. 

I have had zero free time the past few months so I haven't been able to blog like I've wanted. But I have a lot of ideas of what I'm going to blog and going to keep up with it a lot more. Guess that's one of my resolutions? 

Currently, I'm on my Honeymoon. Yes I'm on my computer and social media on my honeymoon because we decided to have just fully relax and have down time today...which I honestly can't get my body to relax yet. But not fully blocking off the rest of the world is okay with us since we are constantly in touch with family. The Sunday before my wedding I decided that I wasn't going to be on any social media. Best decision ever. I was able to fully focus on everything that was going on. And just be there with all of my close family and friends. 

So I wanted to talk about a topic that seems to come up right after the wedding....which a lot of people refer to the "Wedding Blues" 
I didn't know there as a such thing, until The Knot had an article on their website about it. 

Apparently this is because you have spent months or years planning such an important day in your life. All of the build up of excitement and emotions, and in just one day, it's all over like that. I totally understand that. But would I say I have wedding blues? Nope. Am I lying to myself? Nope. Before I got married I read up on those blues and since I'm such an emotional person I decided that I wouldn't let myself feel that way. Here's some ways I'm avoiding the "Wedding Blues" 

1. I'm excited to be Husband and Wife, and start our life together as One
2. During the Wedding Day I stopped to take everything in a few times
3. Creating future goals together-It's so exciting planning life with your husband! :) 
4. The fact that he's MY husband and I'm HIS wife is just an amazing feeling
5. Future children 
6. We talk about the wedding day and what we enjoyed most
7. No more wedding stresses 
8. Changing your status and last name on Facebook. Okay, I know this is a whatever one. But it's pretty neat to see that you're married AND your last name. Just a small reminder of the big day

At the end of your wedding day, you'll be married to the one you love. And to me, that out weighs anything that might have gone wrong and sad feelings that it's all over. Because it's not all over, you're just beginning your life together! 


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