Wednesday, April 29, 2015

16 Weeks

I don't know if it's my pregnancy brain or what but I couldn't figure out when is the best time to post an update. I like waiting to post the update after the week is over. If that makes sense?. So usually when I post an update, I'm already in the next week. So today I'm actually 17 weeks. 
Also, if I write something and it doesn't make much sense or there's spelling errors. I apologize in advance, I try to proof read my posts. But I defiantly don't always catch things right now. 

16 Weeks!
Baby is the size of a dill pickle!
This week pretty much felt like last week. But realizing I'm so close to the halfway mark is really exciting. 

If you think I look exhausted, well I am. I've been really exhausted all please ignore my sleepy eyes ;) 

How far along? 16 Weeks 

Total weight gain: Unsure. I haven't been keeping track. 

Maternity clothes? Still using my belly bands when I wear jeans. I bought a maternity dress from Target...amazing. I am finding that I'm beginning to not like how my normal clothes fit.

Stretch marks? Nope, I use lotion morning and night.

Sleep: A little better. Some nights I only wake up a few times, other times I'm tossing and turning.

Best moment of this week: Getting to hear baby's heartbeat at the doctors today! 

Miss anything? My energy...I'm really waiting for all the second trimester is suppose to promise.  

Movement: I may be crazy, and you can tell me I am. But you aren't me so anyways. I SWEAR I have felt little things here and there. And it's always in the same spot. 

Food cravings:  Milk and bagels with cream cheese. I also find myself really enjoying pizza and pastas. I don't really have any other cravings right now. My appetite still isn't fully back, but I'm more hungry.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not eating right away. I also got super sick off of Chinese food. It wasn't the food because Caleb didn't sick. But I guess baby doesn't like Chinese right now. Still really hating meat...I've tried it a few times but felt pretty queasy afterwards. And those darn avocados. I don't even dare to try to eat them. 

Gender Guesses: Not sure. But I have my guesses! And I'm SO curious to see if I have any sort of instinct. 

Labor signs: No way!

Symptoms: Morning sickness..actually for me it's night sickness. Still pretty exhausted. And I've been having heartburn almost daily. 

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: Mood swings to the extreme. I try not to act like I'm in a bad mood...but I can't help it! It's so weird. I also find that I really don't feel like being social right now. 

Looking forward to: MAY 22ND!! We find out the gender. It's only three weeks away. I'm planning on a gender reveal for our family and close friends. So I'm hoping that keeps me busy and time flies by.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

15 Weeks

15 Weeks!
Baby is the size of a Navel Orange
And is starting to move around a lot.

I'm really late on the 15 week update but life happens and it's been hard to find time. 

In these pictures I'm closer to 16 weeks. In all honesty from week 14 to 15, there wasn't to much of a difference. Until recently. I feel like my stomach has started to change and is a lot more noticeable. I know I'm not big at all yet, but it's been pretty uncomfortable for me. I guess with being really small, I'll notice a lot more changes sooner. 

I have also been dealing with morning sickness again. It started one night over the weekend and was terrible. I felt like I was in the first trimester all over again. I'm feeling a little better, but not as good as I was last week. I'm really hoping this is the last of it. 

(I've been using my iPhone so the picture quality isn't really good, soon I'll use a better camera!)

How far along? 15 Weeks 

Total weight gain: Unsure. I haven't been keeping track. I don't feel like I've gained that much just because I haven't been able to eat to much. 

Maternity clothes? I bought some Belly Bands! They are SO amazing. I was using the rubber band trick but it was way to uncomfortable. I'll link the website at the bottom of this post. Seriously, if you're these! My jeans still fit me, except in the belly. Maternity jeans are huge at this point. So it's the perfect solution! 

Stretch marks? Nope, I use lotion morning and night.

Sleep: Horrible. I toss and turn...and the body pillow isn't helping me. Anyone have any suggestions....anyone...

Best moment of this week: Got my hair cut and pampered myself! My hair was horrible and just way to long. I love long hair but I have't been in the mood to deal with it.

Miss anything? Being able to eat a full meal. I have only been able to take a few bites and feel so full. Oh, and sleep. I miss that too.  

Movement: I may be crazy, and you can tell me I am. But you aren't me so anyways. I SWEAR I have felt little things here and there. 

Food cravings: Fruit, cheese, milk, chocolate, tomatoes, and fresh salad. My appetite for healthy food is starting to come back. At least I hope it is. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I still can't handle meat. I tried crispy chicken this week, but felt queasy for the rest of the night. Avocado is disgusting, I hate typing it because I just get reminded. And I have to eat as soon as I'm hungry or I'm immediately sick. 

Gender Guesses: Not sure! But I have my guesses! And I'm SO curious to see if I have any sort of instinct. 

Labor signs: No way!

Symptoms: Heartburn, indigestion, acne, fatigue(but I feel like it's from not sleeping) super congested still. 

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: So moody....anything sets me off lately. I've been crying over nothing, and just getting annoyed with anything. 

Looking forward to: Spring weather!! And May! We have our Anatomy scan scheduled for May 22nd. And we get the gender confirmed then!! I totally have a countdown on my phone. 

Here's the link to the Belly Bands:

Use this code to get $40 credit: BAO221241

Monday, April 13, 2015

14 Weeks

Hello 2nd Trimester!!!
I've been waiting for you.

I'm incredibly happy to be entering into the 2nd trimester. After a few days this past week of feeling super nauseous, I'm hoping it's calming down. For good. 

14 weeks!!
Our little sweet pea is the size of a large lemon!

How far along? 14 weeks, 2nd trimester! 
Total weight gain: Probably the same as last week. I haven't ate as much because my appetite just wasn't there. I need to invest in a scale so I can keep track. 
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but EVERYTHING is super uncomfortable. I am loving leggings and yoga pants more and more. 
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: Horrible. I toss and turn...and I'm up almost every hour. I'm all achy, and if I lay a certain way for to long, it's worse. We bought a body pillow so I'm hoping that helps with my sleep issues. 
Best moment of this week: Going to the movies with my hubby and just having a whole day together. 
Miss anything? Not being grossed out by food. And having a normal appetite. 
Movement: Not yet, but I can't wait to feel little movements! I've been told that I'll probably feel movements early on. I. Can. Not. Wait. 
Food cravings: Fruit, bagels and cream cheese, Boston creme donuts, and milk. Oh, I did crave a nice fresh salad this week...but with every bite I felt really nauseous. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I found out the site of pickles makes me extremely nauseous. I still hate most meat, I'm hoping that changes soon because grilling season is coming up and that's been my favorite! Avocado is absolutely horrible, I gag just thinking about it. I can't have any pepper...not even the smallest amount. 
Gender Guesses: Not sure! But I have my guesses! And I'm SO curious to see if I have any sort of instinct. 
Labor signs: No way!
Symptoms: Holy crap sore boobs..again. Heartburn, more like acid reflux is what it feels like. I'm also breaking out terribly...I know it's hormones and I just have to wait it out. I am getting more headaches, but that could be allergies since I'm still stuffed up and can't breathe. 
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been pretty moody. More like impatient with everything. Going out in public is a struggle because I literally don't have the patience right now. And I have road rage...I used to never feel the need to yell at someone while I need to. 
Looking forward to: I'm finding myself feeling pretty impatient lately about what the baby is. So I'm defiantly looking forward to finding out! 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

13 Weeks

I found this is Pinterest the other day. I felt like it was pretty accurate. The second trimester is SO close now! This is the last week of the 1st trimester, and I'm not sad to see it go, at all. And my expression is pretty similar ;) But of course being the last week of the first trimester and I haven't felt good, at all. I'm praying it all goes away soon though. 

Caleb and I went to my third doctor appointment this last week. I thought we were going to get another ultrasound but we didn't. They do ultrasounds every other appointment. So that was a bummer there. But we got to hear the baby's heartbeat! Well it was the first time using the doppler and it took a few minutes (to me it felt longer) to find it. Of course I became an extremely nervous wreck because I was watching the numbers of the machine and they weren't moving to much...until she found it and the numbers shot right up and we heard the thumping sound, which was music to my ears. We only heard it for a few seconds because the baby decided to move away. But it was still as high as it was at our first appointment! 
Along with hearing the heartbeat, I found out that I have really low blood pressure. Like the nurse seriously asked me if I was alive...I said well I think I am......
They couldn't find my pulse either. So that was fun. But my heart is beating, in case you were concerned..But it makes perfect sense as to why I feel really dizzy, have shortness of breath, and feel faint sometimes. There's not much they do for low blood pressure, but it's normal in pregnancy since your body is working extra hard. Also depending on where the baby is, it could be putting pressure and cutting of oxygen and blood to my heart, so thanks baby! :) As long as I don't pass out or have severe symptoms, it's normal. I just have to take it easy on days I don't feel the greatest. Also apparently lots of water helps. Along with salt...well I hate salty things so I won't be increasing that anytime soon. 

Happy Easter!!!! 
Caleb got me my favorite candy, that I haven't had in years! He also wanted to be the first one to buy baby's first toy. So he surprised me with the cutest little lamb! My heart melted and exploded..and I had a few tears. 

I'm 13 weeks now. 
Our little sweet pea is the size of a peach! 
And I sure do love my peaches. 

How far along? 13 weeks!
Total weight gain: Well I gained 5 whole pounds since my last appointment..that was only 4 weeks. I was shocked, but the doctor was super happy about it. But they go by your starting weight. So technically only 2. 
Maternity clothes? Not yet, I just prefer more comfortable clothes. I still fit into most of my regular jeans, I just find it really uncomfortable if I button them so I use a rubber band. 
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: I have a hard time sleeping still. I will wake up every night starving, and I know if I don't eat something small I'll be sick in the morning. 
Best moment of this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat! And spending Easter with our family. 
Miss anything? My energy, and not being so grossed out by food.
Movement: Not yet, but I can't wait to feel little movements!
Food cravings: I prefer sweeter foods, and fruit. And lately Cheetos and bagels with cream cheese have become a staple in my diet.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Any kind of meat, veggies, potatoes, if you mention avocado I will gag, my straightener, I can't straighten my hair anymore because the smell is just awful. And smells just still get to me. 
Gender Guesses: Not sure! But I have my guesses! ;) 
Labor signs: No way!
Symptoms: Oh hello is awful. Extremely itchy skin. I use lotion morning and night and I'm just so itchy. Also I'm breaking out like a teenager. Headaches that come on really strong. I have a constant stuffy runny nose. So I just wonder if allergies are starting to effect me. I still have to eat every two hours or I feel sick. And effects of low blood pressure. 
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Overall happy. But I do have my times where I'm pretty moody. 
Looking forward to: The second trimester! and my little belly to keep growing

Thursday, April 2, 2015

My Morning Sickness Remedies

Yes, I had (have) morning sickness....well it was more like all day and got worse at night sickness. I was hesitant to post about it because I honestly hate thinking back to how I felt then. I end up feeling sick after thinking about it. But I'll just push through. After finding this ecard on Pinterest, I feel like I should share how I felt in the beginning. 

I really wish I am one of those lucky ladies who could say, I felt great the first trimester! And you can sit there and hate me for it. BUT that totally wasn't the case. Even currently I'm sitting here typing this wondering if my dinner is going to stay down. 

I was nauseous even before I found out I was pregnant..lucky me! But it was off and on and only happened occasionally...until about 5 weeks it turned into evenings I felt sick. Then around 6 weeks it was all down hill. Smells drove me crazy, food was absolutely disgusting, just being awake made me sick. I couldn't even be on my phone or computer because it made me sick. And yes, electronics is apparently a trigger. 

A little back story, when I first went through my health issues, I was constantly sick to my stomach. So I had remedies that I used to help make myself feel better. I knew what I had to do. I would drink ginger tea to calm my stomach, ginger chews helped a lot. I would even mix peppermint tea and ginger tea together. So once I started feeling sick, I tried those...and literally EVERYTHING else. Nothing worked. I hated ginger, peppermint, and even those preggie drops didn't help. I would try to eat small things, but just ended up feeling worse. It was seriously awful. Everything I knew to do to take care of myself, completely went out the window. I had such a hard time getting out of bed for almost a month. I could barely walk because I was so lightheaded and dizzy that I would get blurred vision and almost pass out. So I of course went to the doctor and my blood pressure was low and I needed that up. And my body wasn't absorbing any nutrients. My little one was sucking the life out of me. But even at my sickest, as long as the baby was healthy I know I would be okay. Even if the sickness lasted 9 months..I always just thought of the end prize. Thinking about that is what got me through. And it still does. 

 I brought it up to my doctor once everything didn't seem to help and I hated the thought of being on prescription meds, I had one last option. Vitamin B6. I had no clue how one little pill could help. But I tried it anyways.  After taking it for a few days I didn't notice any changes but I was told to stick with it for a week or two to notice. 
Oh my goodness....I'm I so glad that I did. Now it's not a miracle by any means. But after about two to three weeks I started feeling a little better. I was waking up in the morning, actually wanting to eat. It didn't really help my evening sickness, the only thing that did was eating a banana very slowly. I'm so tired of bananas but I will eat one still if I really don't feel well. They also contain B6 and can calm queasy tummies. 

You can find Vitamin B6 at any grocery or health store. I don't even remember where I got mine from. I was in a big daze when I was sick so I don't remember a lot. Before you take it, I would ask your doctor first just to get the okay. 

Here's a picture of what I take daily. The B6 is mostly for me. The other two provide key nutrients for baby...things you can't find in prenatal. But they contain probiotics that helps an upset stomach.  I got them from my chiropractor, they specialize in prenatal care. So talk to a healthcare professional before taking anything! 

I take the B6 twice a day. Morning and evening. I have taken it three times a day before, on days where I have really felt crappy. 
The other two I take only once a day with water. They smell BUT have no flavor so it's so easy to take. Much easier than any pill or gummy. I do take the prenatal gummies at the moment because swallowing large pills makes me gag. Hopefully that will change soon because I found awesome prenatal pills! 

I'm no expert when it comes to morning sickness remedies, because everyone is so different. I just had to find what worked for me. It was a lot of trial and error. And the things that work for me might not work for someone else. 
But I hope this helps!