Thursday, May 28, 2015

20 Weeks- Halfway There!

20 Weeks!! 
Baby is the size a banana! 
Or a chipotle burrito (gross) 

I can't believe that we are halfway there. I can't wait to meet my sweet little GIRL! Yup, we are having a girl. I posted our gender reveal here. Things seem more real now that we refer to the baby as a she and her. Currently we do not have a name picked yet. We have a lot of ideas but just waiting to find a name that we feel fits our little girl. I try not to stress about a name, because I know in time we will pick one that we both think is perfect for her. 

How far along? 20 Weeks

Total weight gain: I weigh 114 now. So 12 pounds so far....honestly I haven't really been keeping track. Just every month when I go to the doctors they weigh me and I go by that. 

Maternity clothes? Yes, but not everyday still. I have pretty much written off jeans. It's been way to hot here and I hate the material. 

Stretch marks? Nope, still using that lotion! I use a mix of cocoa and shea butter lotions. 

Sleep: It's been okay this past week. I will wake up feeling sore from being on one side, or if I'm on my back which has gotten pretty uncomfortable lately. 

Best moment of this week: Seeing our baby, which I fell in love the moment we saw the profile on the screen. Finding out we are having a baby GIRL!!! And revealing her gender to our families and close friends. 

Miss anything? Energy and my appetite. I still deal with being nauseous  And at night it'll get worse. Does it ever end? 

Movement: Oh defiantly! I have a little dancer in there! She loves to move around more when her daddy talks and when music is playing. But she is sneaky because if he's paying attention and trying to feel her, she stops. 

Food cravings:  Pasta salad, fruit salad, salad, and sharp cheddar cheese. I have started to crave Panera's bagels and cream cheese again. Might have to make a stop soon. I'm over lemon things. Once I had a lemon bar, I was done. Way to sour. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I can't stand the thought of meat, mainly chicken. Still. I will just get randomly sick, which is awesome. Also lately, the thought of ranch dressing just turns my the beginning right before I got super sick I ate a lot of ranch dressing with carrots. So I think that's why I despise it so much. 

Gender Guesses: Baby girl!!!!!!! We are SO happy. And I have a mother's intuition after all!!!! 

Labor signs: No way!

Symptoms: Fatigue. I still have nausea throughout the day, which lately it has been worse than usual. Round ligament pain. Back pain. Heartburn. Clumsy....oh goodness I have been running into everything...Pregnancy brain has returned. Lately I have been pretty out of it. Also, can being pregnant effect your hearing? Because lately I haven't been able to hear right! 

Belly button in or out? In...well truthfully my belly button has always been an innie/outie...and now it's starting to bump out just a little bit. 

Wedding rings on or off? On. Which I really hope they stay on the whole pregnancy. 

Happy or moody most of the time: So moody...and emotional...still. 

Looking forward to: Hmmm...thinking of names for this little girl! And this time next week, I'll be relaxing on the beach! Can't wait! 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Surprise! It's A......

If you follow me on either Facebook or Instagram you may already know.

But Caleb and I are expecting....

A baby girl!!!!!

I think she looks a lot like her daddy already! We love her so much, and are so blessed to be her parents. Can't wait to meet our baby girl! 

We went for the anatomy scan on Friday...I felt like I've been waiting for this day for forever. Thankfully my appointment was at 8am, because I just couldn't wait all day. We sat and watched our baby girl for a little over an hour. They took measurements checked specific things to make sure everything was developing right. The tech said everything looked good, but she takes everything to the doctors just to check everything over. At the end of the appointment she made us look away and she would see if we were having a boy or girl because we told her that we wanted to find out later. I was so impatient and kind of peaked...but didn't see anything because she was already done. Once she came back in and said that baby looks good, we were handed an envelope with the results. I can say that the car ride home was long, but also exciting. Caleb and I wanted to find out what our baby is just us. Well as soon as we got home he took that envelope and opened it and we read the results together......female...I saw those words and I cried! He was so happy too. All we could do is just hug each other and just celebrate our little girl. I was so emotional at the appointment because just seeing our baby, and hearing that everything looks good. Just makes me so happy. And when we found out it's a girl. I just was so overwhelmed with emotions. This whole time, I have had a gut feeling it was a girl. I told close family and friends that I wanted a girl. So of course everyone was saying we would have a boy....but for some reason I just felt differently. I think I was shocked that I was right and I knew all along. 

We wanted to reveal the gender to our families, so we had a little gender reveal party on Sunday. Everyone we invited we asked them to wear pink or blue. Caleb and I didn't wear either color just because we didn't want to give it away. Since most of our family thought it was a boy, they were pretty surprised when we revealed it was a girl. I was so giddy inside all day but had to hide it because I know I would give it away. 
She is going to be Caleb's parents second grandchild, but first granddaughter! They wanted it to be a girl, but thought we were having a boy. So I'm so happy we surprised them! 
I didn't get a chance to take many pictures yesterday at the party because I was to busy. But here are a few I took before people arrived. 

All along I had the idea I wanted to do "Tutus or Ties" mainly because of the Tutus. So Caleb and I made the banner to go above the cupcakes. 

We revealed the gender to everyone by using the balloons in a box. I think my pregnancy brain is effecting my lack of picture taking because usually I would have pictures of everything! My mom took pictures of us opening the box, so I will have to add them here when I get them. 

I just want to thank all of our family and friends that came out to find what we were expecting. It's amazing how much our little girl is loved already and how many people are excited to meet her! 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

19 Weeks

19 Weeks! One week away from being halfway. 
Baby is the size of a mango! 
Baby is starting to work on five senses, and likes to kick up a storm and it feels like somersaults. 
I am SO excited because this will be my last post not knowing if i'm having a sweet little girl or boy! Can't wait!

I posted this picture on Instagram a few days ago.

I never knew that I could have such a love for someone, that I haven't even met yet.  And with each passing day, is one day closer until I get to see your sweet little face. 

How far along? 19 Weeks

Total weight gain: I'm not sure, but my regular jeans are getting a tad defiantly some gaining there ;) 

Maternity clothes? Yes, but not everyday. Still use belly bands on my jeans...when I wear them. Some maternity shirts, and some regular if they're comfortable. I defiantly love wearing long dresses because I don't feel constricted. 

Stretch marks? Nope, still using that lotion! I use a mix of cocoa and shea butter lotions. 

Sleep: Not to great, lately I've been getting aches and pains because I always roll over on my back. 

Best moment of this week: This week really hasn't been to exciting, just a normal week. 

Miss anything? Energy. I feel like this is going to be a consistent complaint. I do get spurts of energy here and there so I try to use it wisely to clean or go run errands. But I usually crash.

Movement: Yes! It's a feeling that I have always wanted to feel. This little one seems to be more active at night...hopefully that doesn't mean I'll have a night owl on my hands come October ;) 

Food cravings:  Pasta salad, fruit salad, salad salad, and also lemon flavored things. I hate sour foods. But for some reason lemon has been appealing to me....okay....I just really want some lemon bars. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still the same as it has been, I can't do meat. I tried grilled chicken twice this week, both times I ended up feeling really queasy because of it. Carrots and avocados have been sickening since the beginning. I also still get pretty sick if I don't eat...even if I don't feel hungry at a mealtime, I have to eat something because I'll end up getting pretty sick later on. 

Gender Guesses: I'm back and forth. But just a few more days!!! 

Labor signs: No way!

Symptoms: Fatigue. I still have nausea throughout the day, which lately it has been worse than usual. Round ligament pain. Back pain. Heartburn.

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: So moody...and emotional...still. 

Looking forward to: May 22nd! I am just so anxious to find out what this little one is! I really have no idea how some people don't find out until the baby is born....good for them for staying strong..because I just couldn't. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

18 Weeks

So I found a website that compares your baby's growth with different things besides fruit. I'm not 100% sure how accurate it is. But I will post it along with the fruit as well! 

So here you go!

18 weeks!
Baby is the size of a sweet potato
Tall, decaf, non-fat, Frappuccino with whipped cream and caramel drizzle! 

I do love my Starbucks still. Once in awhile I do get a really strong craving for it, so that's when I give in.

***I also don't have a week 18 picture! For some reason the weeks just got ahead of me. 
A 19 week update with picture will be up next! 

So this past Monday, I had a little scare. Nothing serious might I add but being new to everything just brings a bit of concern. Last weekend I was feeling pretty off, and I felt like I almost had a UTI. So I figured on Monday I would see how I felt and call the doctors because I know you aren't suppose to let UTI's go in pregnancy. Well Monday afternoon came around and all of sudden I got really crampy and I couldn't move. I was in tears, not only because of the pain but because it was pretty scary since all you ever hear is horror stories about cramping. I immediately called the doctors and they told me to come right in. Thankfully I had no UTI, but they said I could be experiencing round ligament pain. Which is really common, especially if it's the first baby. Since I had no other red flag signs they sent me home confident that, that's what I'm dealing with. But I'm suppose to take easy and rest as much as possible when things get uncomfortable. Poor Caleb was at work and wasn't able to get off to come with me, but my amazing sister(in law) met me at the doctors just to be there for me <3 I defiantly prayed that it wasn't anything serious at all. 

How far along? 18 Weeks

Total weight gain: Probably the same as last week. I decided to not keep a close track of gaining weight. Unless I start losing weight. 

Maternity clothes? I'm still using the belly bands. My jeans are pretty much uncomfortable. I picked up a few maternity shirts and they are so comfortable! I'm having such an issue with fabrics, most of my normal shirts seem itchy to me. And heaven forbid if there's a tag in a shirt....

Stretch marks? Nope, I use lotion morning and night. I also bought the Palmer's Cocoa butter oil for itchy skin. It's amazing, because my stomach has been so itchy lately. So I can just spray on that oil whenever it gets bad. 

Sleep: I'm only waking up a few times a night, but only to pee, then I go right back to sleep. Being so exhausted defiantly has a part in that. I feel like I just can't get enough sleep.

Best moment of this week: Mother's Day weekend! And Caleb has been feeling the baby's little kicks or jabs! 

Miss anything? My energy. And my appetite has seem to disappeared again.  

Movement: Yes! I have been feeling more and more movement! And Caleb has felt little ones too. 

Food cravings:  Salads and pasta salad. I'm so happy that I'm liking healthier things again. Lighter foods are more appealing to me. I do still love breakfast foods like pancakes, waffles, and french toast...smothered in syrup of course.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I can't do meat. I tried grilled chicken, which I used to love. Nope. I don't think I'm going to like any meat for a long time. Still not a fan of avocados. Also fried foods, the smell is horrible. I can't drive by any restaurants without holding my breath. 

Gender Guesses: Not sure. But I have my guesses! And I'm SO curious to see if I have any sort of instinct. 

Labor signs: No way!

Symptoms: Fatigue. I still have nausea throughout the day. Round ligament pain. 

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: So moody...and emotional. I thought by now those things were suppose to even out? 

Looking forward to: May 22nd and 24th!! I'm planning a gender reveal for our family and close friends! I'm beyond excited and it can't come soon enough. I'm hoping with keeping busy with the party the time flies by. 7 MORE DAYS!!!!

Friday, May 8, 2015

17 Weeks

So this week really got away from me and I realized I never did my 17 week update! 

17 Weeks
Baby is the size of a white onion 

This is our first "child" 
Sir Hemingway but we call him Hemmi
Every time we take photos he comes and watches so this time I wanted to include him. Besides, he's going to be a big brother after all! 

How far along? 17 Weeks

Total weight gain: Well I'm up to 112 pounds now.  Which is healthy for my height, just pretty weird for me to get used to.

Maternity clothes? I'm still using the belly bands. But when I'm home I will wear leggings or yoga pants. Jeans are to uncomfortable to wear all day long. I still wear all of my regular shirts, except for a few maternity shirts my sister-in-law gave me. 

Stretch marks? Nope, I use lotion morning and night.

Sleep: I think it's getting better. But the exhaustion is still happening everyday. 

Best moment of this week: Spending a whole day away with Caleb. Going out of town and experiencing new things with him is always my favorite thing to do. Plus, in a few months we won't be able to just decide last minute a day trip. 

Miss anything? Sleep. I'm still really missing that.  

Movement: Yes! I have been feeling more and more movement! 

Food cravings:  Salads and breakfast burritos. Which is weird to me since I have never ate a breakfast burrito in my life. I have been making them at home since I refuse to eat any type of fast food.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I still hate meat and certain vegetables. Chinese is on the list now since it made me sick a few weeks ago and the thought just turns my stomach. 

Gender Guesses: Not sure. But I have my guesses! And I'm SO curious to see if I have any sort of instinct. 

Labor signs: No way!

Symptoms: Fatigue. I was in bed and asleep at 9pm the one night. And 8:30 last night. I can't get enough sleep. Also I've been sneezing, coughing, and having a super stuffy nose. I'm also already starting to get achy. Like if I stand and walk for to long my hips start to almost burn, and I'm just pretty uncomfortable. I try my best right now not to complain because I know this is nothing compared to what I'll feel in the upcoming months. But some days I just can't help it. 

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: It depends on the day and the hour. I've had a few days where I've been in a really good mood. But other days I just can't seem to be happy.  

Looking forward to: MAY 22ND!! Also, we are going to the beach at the end of May. I can't wait! It's the first time going with Caleb's parents and I'm really looking forward to it. It'll be our last beach vacation before the baby comes.