This is going to be a little longer post than normal. So get comfy :)
24 Weeks!
Baby girl was as big as a cantaloupe! Or a package or oreos.
Her skin is filling out more and more and becoming less translucent.
I decided to just combine weeks 24 and 25 for a few reasons. One: I just was way to exhausted and dealing with things that I had no energy to even want to blog. Two: I honestly didn't notice much of a difference between weeks 23-24. And three: at my doctors appointment she is measuring exactly 25 weeks to the day so I decided to switch things up and post the day the weeks change. Up until this point most babies in the womb grow at the same rate. Now is when genetics start to take over and babies will grow at their own pace. Which is why due dates aren't typically accurate and everyone delivers either earlier or later.
So earlier this week I started getting cramps in the morning. They felt like cramps you get right before you start your period. But they were coming and going...of course that really worried me. They would subside with rest and drinking water so I figured I am just having more growing pains. I didn't really feel like it's any sign of labor, because I don't have any other symptoms of pre-term labor. But on top of cramps I've been feeling just overall exhausted and more crappy. I had a doctor's appointment scheduled so of course any period like cramping is/can be a cause for concern so they went ahead and did a few tests, check everything just to make sure I wasn't dilating. Thankfully everything is okay and they came to the conclusion that I am dealing with Braxton hicks contractions. I've upped my water intake and it does seem to be helping a lot. I don't think little miss cares for them either because she moves around like crazy after they subside. After a few worrisome days I'm glad to be feeling better.
Now on to the update! I'm just going to skip over 24 weeks...because it would honestly be identical to 23 weeks.
Here's a 24 week picture from a lovely wedding Caleb and I attended.
Currently 25 weeks!
Our little miss the as big as a cauliflower. And now knows which way is up and which is down. She is continuing to gain more fat and hair...which explains all the heartburn ;) AND her hair now has color....hmmm will it be red or blonde?!?!
How far along? 25 Weeks
24 Weeks!
Baby girl was as big as a cantaloupe! Or a package or oreos.
Her skin is filling out more and more and becoming less translucent.
I decided to just combine weeks 24 and 25 for a few reasons. One: I just was way to exhausted and dealing with things that I had no energy to even want to blog. Two: I honestly didn't notice much of a difference between weeks 23-24. And three: at my doctors appointment she is measuring exactly 25 weeks to the day so I decided to switch things up and post the day the weeks change. Up until this point most babies in the womb grow at the same rate. Now is when genetics start to take over and babies will grow at their own pace. Which is why due dates aren't typically accurate and everyone delivers either earlier or later.
So earlier this week I started getting cramps in the morning. They felt like cramps you get right before you start your period. But they were coming and going...of course that really worried me. They would subside with rest and drinking water so I figured I am just having more growing pains. I didn't really feel like it's any sign of labor, because I don't have any other symptoms of pre-term labor. But on top of cramps I've been feeling just overall exhausted and more crappy. I had a doctor's appointment scheduled so of course any period like cramping is/can be a cause for concern so they went ahead and did a few tests, check everything just to make sure I wasn't dilating. Thankfully everything is okay and they came to the conclusion that I am dealing with Braxton hicks contractions. I've upped my water intake and it does seem to be helping a lot. I don't think little miss cares for them either because she moves around like crazy after they subside. After a few worrisome days I'm glad to be feeling better.
Now on to the update! I'm just going to skip over 24 weeks...because it would honestly be identical to 23 weeks.
Here's a 24 week picture from a lovely wedding Caleb and I attended.
The beautiful bride is a good friend of mine. Kind of funny how big life events bring people together! She's pregnant with a little boy! We've known each other for years, our husbands grew up going to church together and we met through them. But it took about...7 years until we started talking. No reason why! But we started to become really close after she found out I was pregnant. She's a first time mom as well so being able to have a close friend who completely understands all of your feelings has been a huge blessing. We have helped each other, able to complain about all the pains of pregnancy, and being able to share the amazing experience together! Oh, did I mention that she's about 3-4 weeks ahead of me! We wanted to get a baby bump picture together and I'm so glad we did! It's so funny to see how our bumps are compared to each other :) I can't wait to meet her baby boy in September! He's going to be the cutest little guy <3
Can't wait to meet our little ones, and for them to meet!
Our little miss the as big as a cauliflower. And now knows which way is up and which is down. She is continuing to gain more fat and hair...which explains all the heartburn ;) AND her hair now has color....hmmm will it be red or blonde?!?!
How far along? 25 Weeks
Total weight gain: +18 lbs...that number is a little shocking to me, but I'm finally at a healthy weight which is good.
Maternity clothes? Some maternity tops, but no maternity bottoms. I have yet to find any that fit me.
Stretch marks? Nope, still using that lotion! I also use palmer's cocoa butter oil..seriously that stuff is amazing for itchy just spray it on and instant relief!
Sleep: What's that? I'm beyond exhausted and could sleep all day long. As soon as night hits I wake up all the time. I do find that if I go to bed later, I can usually sleep a little longer before waking up.
Best moment of this week: Caleb had a four day weekend and it was so nice just spending quality time together. I've had a rough weekend dealing with some symptoms so I was thankful he was off to be with me. Also at the doctors finding out everything is okay, and getting to hear her heartbeat is always amazing!
Miss anything? Not feeling so the second trimester that promised to give me energy sure didn't deliver. I have kissed my energy goodbye for now.
Movement: Oh yes! Her kicks can sometimes startle me because usually they're lighter but once in awhile she has a good hard kick.
Food cravings: Soft served ice cream..I haven't had any yet but I certainly want it.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken and turkey mainly. But other than that I haven't felt to nauseous ..I'm hoping it stays that way because I'm enjoying not feeling the need to throw up.
Gender Guesses: A sweet baby girl!!!!!!!
Labor signs: No way!
Symptoms: Horrible heartburn...or acid reflux. It's been so bad that my chest and throat hurt. Braxton Hicks contractions, exhaustion, and some aches and pains.
Belly button in or out?'s like flat. Not completely but I have a feeling it's either going to be flat or pop out. We'll see!
Wedding rings on or off? On. Still on the tighter side though. How I just love humidity!
Happy or moody most of the time: In between. I have days where I'm in a great mood. Than other days I'm not.
Looking forward to: Caleb and I are going to get maternity pictures done soon so I'm looking forward to figuring out ideas! We are doing some now, then again around 32-35 weeks. My mom is a photographer so it's a bonus that I can chose when to get them!