Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Birth Story

Introducing Ellexia Skye Cheek
Born October 16th at 11:18 P.M 
7lbs 6.5 Oz
20.5 in long
Pure Perfection

As I sit here type this, I look over and see this girl's sweet face. The long awaited arrival of our little princess came to an end Friday evening on October 16th. All of the pain, sickness, and discomfort melted away when I met her for the first time. 

My entire pregnancy I planned on the most natural birth as possible. No drugs, no interventions, and especially I didn't want to be induced.  Well as a first time mom I was told things won't go as planned. So here's Ellie's birth story. I'll try to be as detailed as possible but I have already forgotten a lot. 

So I knew my due date was coming up and each week at the doctors there wasn't much progress as in my cervix wasn't dilating even though I would get steady contractions. But they would go away. Her head was low and I was thinning out but that all only means so much. So when I hit 40 weeks I knew that the possibility of me being induced was growing. So once 40 weeks came and went. We had the option for me to be induced after 41 weeks. After feeling miserable and just ready to have her I decided that we would see how she's doing and go from there. 

On Wednesday October 14th, I had an NST scheduled. Which is just a non stress test to make sure the baby is doing okay. She passed with flying colors. Then we headed to get an ultrasound, we had one the week before to check her fluid levels and they were great. If they were the same then I would be okay waiting longer. Well I noticed right away that it was significantly lower. And they were. So that right there made me decide that getting induced was the best thing and that I just needed to be okay with not going into labor on my own. 

Thursday October 15th was the evening we headed to the hospital to start the induction process. I was so emotional that tears were flowing before we left. Mainly because we were going to be meeting our daughter the next day. But also because I'm terrified of the hospital. I should be considered "flight risk" because I'd do anything to get out of there. No joke. But this occasion would bring our bundle of joy and that's what I focused on. At the hospital as soon as we arrived they admitted us to our room. And I got hooked up to the lovely monitors. Earlier that day I was starting to have contractions but they weren't strong or regular. So the doctor came in and gave me cervidal....I'm not sure how to spell it...anyways that was horrible. It felt like Velcro being shoved up me. Not pleasant. After awhile my contractions were starting to get stronger. Around 12 they were back to back but I wasn't dilating. It was going to be a long night as I was in a lot of pain. I told Caleb that I needed something because I was just to uncomfortable and I needed sleep. I didn't want an epidural so soon so my only option was pain meds through my IV. Not what I wanted at all. But I needed sleep. So after I got the medicine I had a terrible reaction to it. I started to freak out because I felt so weird and sick. That stuff made me have some weird dreams. It lasted for about three hours and I got maybe an hour sleep. Yes it took my pain away but it had some horrible side effects. 

Friday October 16th. After a rough night I knew things were going to get harder. But nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to go through. 
At about 7am my doctor came in to check me. I was only a half centimeter dilated. I felt really bummed and angry. So she was able to make me a full centimeter because my cervix was completely thinned out. And she broke my water. So things were going to progress from here. I was given a low dose of pitocin to help steady contractions so my body could dilate. About an hour or so later I was having terrible contractions in my back. They definitely were consistent and the only thing that helped was Caleb putting pressure on my back. This only worked for so long. I knew that I would get an epidural at some point but the nurse said I needed to decide soon because the anesthesiologist was already on the floor administrating them and I'd be third. So after talking it over with Caleb I decided to get one. And once again help me rest because I was so exhausted already. I was more scared of the epidural because of hearing stories but it honestly wasn't bad at all. The doctor was amazing and I may have felt a few pinches. But after it was in I felt so much better and could finally rest. Well after about an hour the pain returned, but much stronger. They increased the maximum dosage of the epidural but it wasn't helping. I was indeed having back labor. Which is way more intense and painful than regular labor. Now I'll be honest after this point things are a bit blurry. For awhile Caleb was coaching me through and got a cold damp cloth that I had over my eyes from that point on. After awhile my dad came and I had my dad on one side talking me through and Caleb on the other helping me breathe through them. This whole pregnancy I thought I didn't want anyone in the room while I was laboring. But I was in such a focused state of mind that I really didn't care what was happening around me. In the room was my mom, dad, Caleb, and my niece Alissa. All of them helped and supported me through each and every second. Around 5 or 6 pm I was about 7 centimeters dilated and the doctor told everyone that I should be ready to push by 8! Everyone was so happy because we were getting closer and closer. I was happy but I knew the contractions were about to get stronger and stronger. But having the best support I made it through. Side note: I was extremely nauseous because of the pain but my body wouldn't throw up so I dealt with horrible hiccups after each contraction. Is that even a thing?! Around 8:15 pm I was fully dilated and ready to push! I was so relieved. Once the room cleared out it was just Caleb and I because I knew that's how I wanted things. And he was such an amazing support the whole time. Well after a few pushes I was so numb that I just couldn't feel anything...which made it impossible to push. So they turned off the epidural. After this I only remember a few things. But I literally couldn't push. I was so weak and exhausted that I kept telling Caleb I couldn't do it. Of course he told me I could but I was just so tired. I looked at Caleb and we both knew that the possibility of a c-section was becoming more real because I didn't have anything left in me. After pushing for 2 and half hours or so my doctor finally came in and said we are having this baby, now. Around the same time Caleb sent out a text to his mom who was in the waiting room along with the rest of our family and close friends asking them all to pray for me to have strength since I was feeling so done. I later found out they all formed a circle, held hands and prayed. A few moments later I felt a burst of energy soar through my body and I was determined to bring my daughter into this world. 30 minutes later we welcomed the most beautiful & perfect baby girl into the world. It was such an amazing moment finally having her placed in my arms. I cried, her daddy cried. We were so in love and happy to have her in our arms.
After some skin to skin time, they cleaned her up a little and Caleb sent out to tell everyone the news. Well my family being who they are happened to ask the nurses an update since it was getting later and later and they announced that she was here...of course they all cheered and couldn't wait to come back. Before Caleb could go get them they were all heading down the hallway. The moment everyone laid eyes on her there wasn't a dry eye. 
The rest of the night after our visitors left, I spent the entire night just holding her. I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to sleep. How could you sleep when you just met your baby for the first time? 
I had a hard labor. Which led to pushing for 3 hours. And an even harder recovery. Was it the labor and delivery I pictured? Not at all. I wanted a drug free labor but with being induced, it was much harder on my body so I had to get an epidural. Even though it didn't work. I also didn't know what to expect. No one could have prepared for labor and delivery. Not even someone's most horrible labor story. But looking at my daughter, all of the pain was worth it. She's the most precious little girl and I couldn't thank God enough for blessing Caleb and I with her. Without God, Caleb, family, and friends. I couldn't have made it through. Everyone who was praying for us, just know how thankful I am for you. I know as the months pass I'll forget most of how everything felt. But I'll never forget how strong Caleb was through everything, and the love and support I felt by him and everyone else. 

Here is a few pictures of Ellie's first few days <3 

Thursday night-The calm before the storm! 

 When in freeze out your husband..

Ellexia being held by her pappap for the first time

 Auntie Alissa holding her for the first time

 With her daddy <3

Her daddy got to change her first diaper..which happened to be the first diaper he ever changed.

 My sweet little girl

My little family.
My heart is so full and I can't imagine my life any different


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

40 Weeks!

Today is my due date!! It's such a beautiful day too! 
40 weeks!
And guess baby yet! 
Which I had a feeling she wouldn't come before her due date. At every appointment she has always measured exactly on time, and once she was a week behind. 
But with that said...I'm beyond ready for her to move out and make her appearance! Since last Wednesday I've been really uncomfortable and pretty miserable. I have defiantly been soaking in these last few days with her in my belly. But at this point all I want is her here on the outside. It's kind of hard to enjoy things when I just am feeling pretty crappy. 

I'm taking these days to make sure we are prepared for our little one. I realized after I got out of the hospital last week that we still had things we needed to do and buy. So thankfully as of today, we are officially done and there isn't anything left to do except to wait. Which has been driving me crazy. I know I'm suppose to rest but I find myself cleaning and organizing(well reorganizing) almost anything I can. Or I go out shopping because the thought of sitting at home I just can't deal with. I've seen a lot of Target these past few weeks...and Target has gotten a lot of my money...
You'd think for feeling crappy I wouldn't want to do anything...well that's the funny thing about pregnancy. NOTHING makes sense at all. 

How far along? 40 Weeks

Total weight gain: 27+ but at my appointment I couldn't see the scale past my belly and I forgot to look. 

Maternity clothes? I have a few maternity shirts I love. If I wear jeans I usually just use a belly band. But mainly I live in leggings and yoga pants. Because it's all about the comfort now. 

Stretch marks? None! I'm crossing my fingers that I just may be lucky enough to not get any! 

Sleep: Horrible...I'm so uncomfortable and get all achy that it makes sleeping impossible. 

Best moment of this week: FINALLY stopped raining on Sunday. It's my due date and knowing that we will meet our girl soon is just exciting! 

Miss anything? Where do I even begin?! Within the past week I've gotten even more uncomfortable and tired. Which I didn't think was possible. But of course I was proven wrong ;) 

Movement: Yes! She has developed a habit of being pretty calm throughout the day. But at night she goes crazy. Thank goodness all of these months of no sleep have prepared me to possibly have a little night owl. 

Food cravings: None. I find myself extremely hungry. But food just isn't appealing to me. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really 

Gender: A little princess! 

Labor signs: Braxton hicks contractions, and I also have been getting painful ones which could be actual contractions. I'm not dilating, but things are thinned out down there and her head is really low. Any day now! 

Symptoms:  Pressure. Headaches. Back aches. Hip aches. Body aches. Exhaustion. Isn't it lovely?! 

Belly button in or out? It seems to be out/flat

Wedding rings on or off? Off...I have a different ring that I'll wear out. Oh how I can't wait to wear my rings again! 

Happy or moody most of the time: I've found myself to be pretty on edge lately. I have zero tolerance for, well just life in general right now. But I'm SO happy and excited that it's now down to just days until we FINALLY meet our baby girl! 

Looking forward to: To meeting this little girl! Seriously little lady, you can come like now ^_^ 


Thursday, October 1, 2015

39 Weeks

Happy October!!!!

This little girl will be here THIS month! 

39 weeks. I can't believe that there's just ONE week until my due date! I'm beyond ready to meet this little girl. Each week that I get closer to my due date, just gets harder and harder on me. Pregnancy is an amazing thing, and besides being really sick for months. I have really enjoyed it. It is defiantly a blessing being able to carry a child and I have defiantly tried my best not to complain about to much. But these last few weeks are bringing on their own set of challenges. Not only do I feel stretched to the max, but she seems pretty comfortable in there and her kicks and punches are sometimes pretty painful which only adds to all the other pains I feel. I hope you're comfy because I had a pretty eventful day yesterday....

I went back and forth about whether or not I'd share this. But I decided I would since this is my pregnancy journey and being a first time mom, I really don't know what to expect! 
Wednesday morning I woke up feeling pretty crappy. I felt sick to my stomach and had back pains along with what felt like period cramps that started to come and go. But I had a chiropractor appointment in the morning so I figured I just needed adjusted. Well afterwards I did feel better. But around the afternoon the pains came back pretty frequently and I did start to wonder what was going on. I felt more sick and really dizzy than before. For the past few weeks I have been getting Braxton hicks contractions. But they haven't really hurt or bothered me, until yesterday. They were starting to get a little more painful than before. And wouldn't stop. I know that I wasn't in true labor but I was just feeling really off. So I called my doctor and told them everything I was feeling. Also, I noticed that she wasn't moving as much as she usually that was kind of a concern too. And they decided that it was best that I go to the hospital to get monitored to see what was going on. So I called Caleb and he left work early to pick me up. And we headed to the hospital. So I got hooked up to all the machines which was super fun...but as soon as they put the straps on my belly, she went crazy and starting kicking them. It was hard for them to get them in the right place because of her. Finally she calmed down and they got them on right. Obviously, I wasn't in labor. But my blood pressure was pretty high and I was having contractions that were registering but they weren't intense or had a pattern. So after about 2 hours we were sent home after my blood pressure returned to normal. I was kind of embarrassed that it was more of a false alarm, but my doctor said something that made me feel a lot better. She said that I did the right thing coming in because even though I'm a first time mom, I know myself better than anyone else and could tell I just didn't feel right. And she said that even though I'm not in labor yet, it's getting close. The baby's head is lower and things are thinning out down there. So I really hope she is going to come soon. I'm still feeling pretty crappy and having on and off pains with a lot of pressure. 

Now that was a pretty lengthy update about one's the weekly one :) 

How far along? 39 Weeks

Total weight gain: 27+ I haven't gained anything this past month. Which is odd since she's gaining weight every week! 

Maternity clothes? Defiantly! I don't think I could survive without them! Also yoga pants and leggings. 

Stretch marks? Not yet! They say you can get them in the last few I'm hoping I don't. I'm constantly putting Vitamin E oil on my stomach. But my stomach has felt super sore so I'm not sure if they'll show up or not. 

Sleep: After my crazy day one Wednesday...I got the best sleep I have in months! I actually slept for about 4.5 hours straight! I don't really feel rested, but it was so nice not waking up every hour or two. 

Best moment of this week: A few things that we've been praying for have come our way! Even though I blog, I'm still pretty private what happens in my day to day life. But I'm just feeling really blessed this week. And of course it's the week before my due date! So it's just exciting. 

Miss anything? I'm honestly so ready to have my body back. Between being super uncomfortable 24/7 now and just feeling large, I have hit the point where I'm done. I'm sure most moms at this stage will agree! 

Movement: Yes! And goodness is she one strong little girl. My entire belly is constantly sore lately, and I assume it's because of her constantly moving and jabbing her limbs everywhere she possibly can. Little one, I know there's not enough room in there but please be nice to you momma. 

Food cravings: None. I honestly don't even care for food. But I do find myself extremely thirsty and craving drinks. Probably explains why I haven't gained to much. I really can only stomach three small meals. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: As long as I avoid meat I'm okay. But I just don't have an appetite. 

Gender: A little princess! 

Labor signs: Braxton hicks contractions. And the doctor confirmed that she has dropped! So last week I defiantly wasn't just seeing things. I know "dropping" really doesn't mean labor is about to happen. But it's a good sign that she's getting into the right position! But I'm of course praying it means she'll be here soon. And also all the things I explained earlier. 

Symptoms:  Pressure! And a lot of it. I may have a small pregnancy swag going on lately. But with her head pretty down low and also pressing on my bladder, it's a bit uncomfortable to walk. These past few days I have been getting headaches. Which is something new because I haven't gotten a single headache since I've been pregnant. 

Belly button in or out? It seems to be out/flat

Wedding rings on or off? Off...I have a different ring that I'll wear out. Oh how I can't wait to wear my rings again! 

Happy or moody most of the time: I'm seriously a basket full of emotions lately. Anything makes me teary eyed! I'm super moody too. My poor husband seems to get all of it. And I know it's not his fault, but for some reason him sleeping at night just really makes me mad! Ok, I know the reason. Because I'm awake and he's happily sleeping! 

Looking forward to: To meeting this little girl! Seriously little lady, you can come like now ^_^ 
