Thursday, July 23, 2015

29 Weeks

29 weeks this week!
Baby is the size of an acorn squash and weighs anywhere from 2.5 pounds to 3.8 pounds. And starting to fill out, I can't wait to squeeze those little cheeks!

This is my last week in my 20s! Time defiantly has gone by fast, I feel like I was just at the halfway mark. I can defiantly tell that I've hit my third trimester. I'm getting pretty uncomfortable and have had a lot of cramping. I've been checked and the doctors have ran tests. Everything is normal and they just want me to not overdue it. And stop whatever I'm doing when I feel bad. 

How far along? 29 Weeks

Total weight gain: +18 lbs...that number is a little shocking to me, but I'm finally at a healthy weight which is good. I honestly don't remember what I weighed at the doctors...I was talking to the nurse and didn't even look at the scale. But they said I'm still at a good weight! 

Maternity clothes? I prefer maternity shirts over regular. They just flatter my bump better. Occasionally I'll wear my pair of maternity jeans. But I still will wear regular bottoms. I'm getting to the point where I really just hate clothes in general though. It's a weird feeling.  

Stretch marks? Not yet! Fingers crossed they stay away. 

Sleep: Between tossing from my left side to my right, and having to pee almost every hour. You can imagine that it's still not so great at all. 

Best moment of this week: Passing my glucose test! It honestly wasn't even that bad at all. Strangely I enjoyed the drink...maybe a little to much because now I'm craving it...

Miss anything? Not to much, just feeling comfortable in clothes again. 

Movement: Defiantly. My ribs are her favorite spot to be. Her kicks don't hurt quite yet, they can just be uncomfortable when she decided she's going to push some limb out and stretch my stomach. 

Food cravings: Cereal, yogurt, and iced coffee are normal cravings. The bizarre one is the orange flavored glucose me weird and crazy because I think I am for even wanting it again! I even hate orange flavored anything. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Laying on my back for to long makes me feel nauseas. And for some reason anything frozen really bothers me.

Gender: A sweet baby girl! 

Labor signs: I have started to get some cramping, and braxton hicks. I don't think they're really signs. But they get my body ready for the real thing. 

Symptoms: A lot of aches and pains, especially in my ribs and back. I still get so exhausted by the afternoon. 

Belly button in or out? Well when little miss likes to poke it out, it is out. Otherwise it's still an innie-outie. 

Wedding rings on or off? On and off. If it's a humid day, there's no way. I think I'm going to get a fake set of rings just so I constantly have something on my finger. I hate not wearing my rings. Especially since I love mine so much. 

Happy or moody most of the time: In between. I have days where I'm in a great mood. Than other days I'm not. 

Looking forward to: My birthday! It's coming up soon. Also we have another ultrasound scheduled in August. It's mainly to check a problem they discovered back at 20 weeks but I'm extremely excited we get to see our baby girl again. 

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