Thursday, August 6, 2015

31 Weeks

31 weeks...only 9 more to go!
Baby girl is the size of a pineapple and all of her five senses are starting to work. 
Have I said before that time is flying? Well it sure is flying. I can't believe that I'm in my eighth month of pregnancy. The finish line is so close, yet she still has a lot more growing to do. In the next weeks leading up to her birth she'll double in her weight. Oh, how I can't wait to see how big my belly is going to be to accommodate her growing little body. My excitement to meet this tiny little person is indescribable.

I'm wearing one of my new shirts and a pair of jeans from Pink Blush Maternity! Seriously, if you are pregnant check out their clothes...they are the cutest maternity clothes that I have found. And super comfortable! They usually run sales everyday so you can find great deals which is always a plus. 

How far along? 31 Weeks

Total weight gain: I've stopped paying to much attention. My doctor said that my weight gain is good and that's all that matters. 

Maternity clothes? Yes! At this point in pregnancy I just really hate clothes. Thankfully I've invested in some cute maternity clothes to help me cope. 

Stretch marks? Not yet! Fingers crossed they stay away. But I've been so darn itchy that I can't help but scratch...I know it's a no-no...but I can't help it! You try having extremely itchy skin and be told not to scratch....yupp you'll scratch it. 

Sleep: One night it's terrible, the next it's pretty bearable. But of course still waking up to pee every few hours. But if I have a chance to sleep during the day, I could sleep for hours. Doesn't make any sense to me. 

Best moment of this week: Caleb put in a closet organizer this week so I can start organizing her clothes. Which I have already washed and hung up the outfits we have. Just looking at them hanging up makes everything more real and exciting! 

Miss anything? Energy! I have been taking iron supplements for a week now since I am anemic..but I haven't noticed a change yet. I hope I do soon because being so tired that I can't keep my eyes open just isn't convenient. 

Movement: Yes! It's my favorite. Lately her movements have changed to a lot more pokes and stretches because she really pushes on my ribs, or my belly button. But she will still kick pretty hard. Her daddy loves to poke my belly button because it gets her going and she pushes it out. 

Food cravings: Pizza, cereal, iced caramel lattes, and really cold water. I have had a love for pizza ever since I hit my second trimester. But I really only like the digiorno brand for some reason. And I seem to be extremely thirsty's super fun when I have to pee ALL the time now. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I'll feel somewhat queasy if I have meat..still. Or if I wait to long to eat. 

Gender: A sweet baby girl! 

Labor signs: Nothing except braxton hicks contractions

Symptoms: A lot of aches and pains, especially in my ribs and back. I'm getting to be pretty uncomfortable no matter what. I sit...uncomfortable, stand..uncomfortable, lay down...uncomfortable. It's been pretty tough lately to just sit and relax. Also I'm so exhausted that I could just sleep a whole day away. And peeing a lot. It's been fun at night getting up every hour to pee. 

Belly button in or out? Well when little miss likes to poke it out, it is out. Otherwise it's still an innie-outie. But it has been really sore and itchy lately...not sure what that means..

Wedding rings on or off? On and off. If it's a humid day, there's no way. I think I'm going to get a fake set of rings just so I constantly have something on my finger. I hate not wearing my rings. Especially since I love mine so much. And I've had a ring on my finger so many years it's way to weird not having anything. 

Happy or moody most of the time: In between. I have days where I'm in a great mood. Than other days I'm not. If I'm having a day where I'm exhausted and I don't feel good...I'm pretty moody. 

Looking forward to: Our next ultrasound! It's next week and I can't wait to see our girl! 

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