Thursday, August 20, 2015

33 Weeks

33 Weeks!
Baby is the size of a cauliflower or a cantaloupe. and weighs anywhere from 4 to 4 1/2 lbs. 

I haven't talked about something they found at my 20 week appointment because they said it really wasn't an issue unless nothing changed in 10 weeks. So therefore I didn't feel the need to bring it up. At my 20 week appointment everything was good with baby but they found my placenta was to close to my cervix...which means when the day came for delivery I wouldn't be able to push the baby out so I would have to schedule a c-section. Which is something I did worry about because I just don't want a c-section. I know things happen and  who knows I may have to get one. But I rather it not be planned. Which sounds weird but that's just how I feel about it. Anyways over the past 10 weeks I just had a good feeling that it would move up. Plus the doctors told me that 98% of the time it moves on its own. So we got good news Friday that everything looks good! Even though I had a feeling, it was really nice to get good news that I'm good to go! 
Besides the good news, we of course got to see our little girl. And had it confirmed that she is indeed still a girl...hey I've heard stories so I just need reassurance! But the ultrasound tech did a few 3D shots by surprise and it was so amazing. Seeing our little girl just makes it all more real. During the whole ultrasound she wouldn't keep her hands out of her mouth and away from her face. No matter what I did to try and get her to move. She's defiantly a little stubborn girl. 
So here's a glimpse at our little girl

You can see her little mouth open and she has her arm and hand going right for it. Of course I got teary eyed as we watched her on the screen and realizing that in just 7 weeks we will get to see her face and kiss those cheeks is just an indescribable feeling. 

I made a separate post sharing my baby shower here!

How far along? 33 Weeks

Total weight gain: I honestly don't have much of a clue. I forget what I weigh after each appointment! 

Maternity clothes? Defiantly, I want to be comfortable these last few weeks.  

Stretch marks? Not yet! Still applying Vitamin E oil and Palmer's Stretch mark lotion. 

Sleep: It would be great if I didn't have to wake up and pee so much. And with waking up at 5 am just doesn't make for a good nights sleep. 

Best moment of this week: Getting a surprise 3D ultrasound! And of course just seeing our little girl, getting completely pampered, and my baby shower! I had quite an eventful but amazing weekend. 

Miss anything? Feeling comfortable and being able to sleep all night long. 

Movement: Yes! I there's nothing better <3 

Food cravings: I still don't have any cravings right now. I can't think of a single food that I could really go for. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.  

Gender: A sweet baby girl! 

Labor signs: Nothing except braxton hicks contractions

Symptoms: Sore back and ribs. Just feeling uncomfortable especially in the evenings. I have also had a lot of congestion and my sinuses have been killing me. I don't know if it's the weather or just pregnancy since that can happen. 

Belly button in or out? It's still an innie-outie but more on the flat side. 

Wedding rings on or off? On and off. If I'm at home I won't wear them. But when I go out I will because I just hate not having anything on my finger. 

Happy or moody most of the time: I'm pretty happy for the most part! Except if I'm tired or uncomfortable. Then I can be a little moody. 

Looking forward to: Checking off all of the things on our list that need done before she's here! I'm almost done...we just need a few more things. 

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