Friday, September 4, 2015

35 Weeks

35 weeks....only 5 more to go! 
Baby is the size of a coconut and is continuing to pack on the fat. 
This past week I have defiantly been able to feel her stomach will just feel heavy and some pressure. And her movements can be pretty painful at times. But as long as she's growing healthy...that's all that matters. Only a few more weeks left with her in my belly, and I have been told that, that is the one thing moms miss most. So even though they may hurt at times, I still cherish every little movement. 

How far along? 35 Weeks

Total weight gain: I honestly don't have much of a clue. I forget what I weigh after each appointment! And quite frankly when I step on a belly is in the way and I can't see! 

Maternity clothes? Defiantly, but a lot of my jeans and yoga pants aren't maternity.   

Stretch marks? Not yet! Still applying Vitamin E oil and Palmer's Stretch mark lotion every morning and night. 

Sleep: Sleep? I'm not even sure what that is. Some nights I can sleep for about 4 hours at a time. Other nights I'll be up every hour. Lately I have reached that point where I'm really uncomfortable at it'll take me awhile to fall asleep. Plus I have a little dancer who likes to move around all night long.  

Best moment of this week: Well I have been feeling pretty off this week...I'm either battling terrible allergies. Or a cold. But a sore throat and feeling like you have a fever in the summer is just miserable. But I did have a doctor's appointment and the doctor was having a hard time getting her heartbeat because she kept kicking the doppler away. It was to funny! She was showing off for sure. 

Miss anything? Feeling comfortable is probably the biggest thing. It usually hits at night, I'm just so tired from the day and I can't seem to be comfortable. 

Movement: Yes! My one app says that her movements should be more like rolls, but she's still kicking and going crazy in there. 

Food cravings: Ice cream. Mainly from a local creamery. I have had a sore throat all week and I think that's why I prefer cooler things. And Nectarines...I don't know why but I thought of them one day and they just taste so amazing. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Pumpkin spice latte M&Ms....spotted them at Target and I love pumpkin spice..but these are just disgusting. Sorry M&Ms...but you failed the pumpkin flavor for sure on those. I had an upset stomach right after eating them. 

Gender: A sweet baby girl! 

Labor signs: Nothing except braxton hicks contractions.

Symptoms:  Sore ribs and back. I have dealt with my first bloody nose in my entire life, and well I never want that again. I have also a little bit of swelling...but it's not to bad as long as I drink a good amount of water. 

Belly button in or out? It's still an innie-outie but more on the flat side. But it pops out when she's laying right there. 

Wedding rings on or off? Off...I have a different ring that I'll wear out. But I'm so scared that my fingers will randomly swell and I won't be able to get my wedding & engagement ring off...

Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty happy. But I do have mood swings that occur once in awhile. 

Looking forward to: Uhhhh this little girl will be here NEXT month!!!!!!!!!!!


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