36 weeks...only 4 to go...say what?!
Little miss is the size of a honeydew and for some reason that just sounds adorable. She's currently packing on the body fat and all of her organs are fully functioning!
And I'm in my last full month of being pregnant...
Can I just explain how unreal that feels. Like I'm pretty sure we just announced I was pregnant...last month.
I am SO ready for her to be here.
They say the last month of pregnancy is the longest. But I really feel like it's going to fly by as my excitement only builds that I will soon be holding her in my arms <3
How far along? 36 Weeks
Little miss is the size of a honeydew and for some reason that just sounds adorable. She's currently packing on the body fat and all of her organs are fully functioning!
And I'm in my last full month of being pregnant...
Can I just explain how unreal that feels. Like I'm pretty sure we just announced I was pregnant...last month.
I am SO ready for her to be here.
They say the last month of pregnancy is the longest. But I really feel like it's going to fly by as my excitement only builds that I will soon be holding her in my arms <3
How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain: 25+ I finally paid attention at the doctors. But I haven't gained any weight for about 3 weeks now. They said my weight gain would be little to none at this point. So no concerns there!
Maternity clothes? Defiantly! Mainly all of my tops are maternity because they just flatter a bump better. If I'm home I've been living in yoga pants and leggings.
Stretch marks? Not yet! Still applying Vitamin E oil and Palmer's Stretch mark lotion every morning and night. I do have a little red mark where my belly button ring used to be. I'm not sure if it's a stretch mark or not. But I don't really consider it since it looks like a dot.
Sleep: HA! I wish. It's been getting worse. Between waking up to pee. And now being completely uncomfortable. It's impossible.
Best moment of this week: Finding out that she FINALLY moved head down! At our last ultrasound a few weeks ago, we learned that she was head up..and still was last week. Well sometime between last week and today she moved head down and into position! Praise God because this was something that was seriously starting to concern me. I know, I know, babies can flip even when labor starts. But it's a huge relief knowing she's turned. Now she just needs to stay that way!
Miss anything? Being comfortable, not being so hot all the time, and getting a full nights sleep (which I know isn't in my future anytime soon) OH! and sleeping on my belly. I have always been a stomach sleeper, so I can't wait for that.
Movement: Yes! She is one active little girl. Not to mention that her movements have been getting more strong which is pretty painful at times. And her little feet are in my ribs...it is really painful and I'm pretty sure she's going to bruise them. Guess she's going to be a little dancer with her strong legs ^_^
Food cravings: Nothing really this week. I still prefer ice cream, but I wouldn't say I'm craving it.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've been getting nauseous again...I think it's because I switched my prenatal vitamins...I should learn to just stick with what works.
Gender: A sweet baby girl!
Labor signs: Braxton hicks contractions that have started to become a little more frequent and kind of painful. But it's all a good sign that my body is preparing itself for labor and delivery.
Symptoms: Super stuffy nose and just feeling really off. Aching back almost all day. And completely exhausted.
Belly button in or out? It's still an innie-outie but more on the flat side. But it pops out when she's laying right there or pushing it out.
Wedding rings on or off? Off...I have a different ring that I'll wear out. But I'm so scared that my fingers will randomly swell and I won't be able to get my wedding & engagement ring off...
Happy or moody most of the time: Lately I've been kind of more moody...but that's because I'm SO uncomfortable and tired. Can you blame me?!
Looking forward to: Uhhhh this little girl will be here NEXT month!!!!!!!!!!!
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